Friday, 14 March 2008

Further Feedback

How effectively edited is this thriller, give an example of a section of effective editing/ a single cut/ effect that you like and why?;

-Very effective, good fading.
-The titles were slick.
-The bit at the end when the boy was gagged was good - confusing.
-Fading book into trees was good.

Discuss the useof sound in this thriller, both diegetic and non-diegetic. What emotions does it invoke and how effective is it?
- one transition needs improving, (small to big square near end)
-needs some deigetic sound
- flicking lights at end caused tension.
- music upbeat so you stay interested
- when music fits with lights the flashing was effective.

What wrds would you use to describe the visual style?
-kind of girly
-i like the shot over table at end
-gag scene
-liked the book idea
-perhaps add more shots of the crazy side of stalker character.

Highlight atleast three things that you think are good about the thriller, and two areas for development of how things could have been done differently.
- gag scene was good- didn't make sense though.
-good transitions
-titles maybe need improving.


Monday, 10 March 2008

Feedback on Final Cut

Can you describe what happens in our thriller?
- kidnap
- a forced date with girl
- torture
- stalker with scrap book

Would you be interested in watching the rest of the film?
- yes if it had less transitions
- Not based on this!

Do you think the tile sequence fits i with the thriller genre, including micro-elements?
- Not particularly, some enigmas, e.g. book
- sort of when the blind fold is used etc.
- not particularly with genre but connections to scrap book
- i like the idea of the names on the pages

Did you enjoy the thriller, what would you change about it?
- the music doesn't create a scary atmosphere
- less transitions
- fix the size of the transitions
- Less of the book, more shots of the field

Which shot would you remove and why?
- less of car and book

What did you think about our editing, what would you improve?
- editing and cuts were good, no need to improve.
- letterbox the footage.

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Final Cut
